

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Cute boys. Heidi tells me she's looking forward to playing with "Fames" soon.

Lisa B. said...

I remember the park.. . . . I hate winter

Lindsey M said...

Oh My Gosh!!! They are so freakin cute! I love Jacobs open mouth smile. Your boys are all so handsome!

I love how they all look like brothers yet they're all uniquely (did I just make up a word or just spell it wrong?...it's late...and I'm terrible at grammar...and I'm a terrible speller) handsome. Does that make sense? They all have their own handsomeness.

Lindsey M said...

Oh...it says 9:59 but it is really 12. What the heck am I doing up this late? I don't know. I wont be able to function tomorrow. Love ya!

Less than a month...

Lindsey M said...

Or maybe it's a yawn. Is it a smile or a yawn. Either way, he's cute!

monica said...

It's a smile. He was also talking and squealing, so it was a lot more wide-mouthed than usual.

nicci said...

thats it i'm moving to arizona...or someplace warm. i'm so jealous you guys can go to the park. jace is going crazy being inside all day, and so is his momma =)
cute kiddos!!