
Look how big Jacob is getting! He is such a happy kid and almost always very content. James is still just as cute as ever. Although, he has turned out to be our biggest troublemaker.


brandonandbecky said...

he is so cute! how lucky you are to have a happy content baby! im jealous! avery fusses a lot and i always have to entertain her! ahhh i cant wait til she can play by herself and understand things! :)

Lindsey M said...

I can't believe how big he is!!! He even looks bigger than Holly. Wow...I can't get over it. He is so cute! They both are.

Unknown said...

Monica, they are so cute!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

That's funny, James doesn't LOOK like a troublemaker. Oh, maybe in that second photo he does - just a little.

mrs. timberlake said...

Monica... Not only am I watching Idol... I found myself getting teary eyed during the zenore, tn audition of that little country chicita. Literally emotional during it. so. I get the most lame award.

AND, James is your biggest troublemaker. That says a lot. yikes!

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Funny how our families are vibing the same thing. Ami is totally easy and wonderful and Oliver is total mischief, not that we don't love him, but you know. We need to get all these kids together sometime soon. An AZ trip might have to be in the makings...

Lindsey M said...

I hate leaving these comments but they'll continue until you start giving me more posts! At least one a week. Even if it's just a picture.