
Baby Update

Even though my baby ticker says Snake is 2 days old, he's not.  He's decided to cook a bit longer.  I'll be induced on Thursday if I don't have him by then.  I hope he decides to come before that though.    

**Update**  Snake is not 5 days old.  He's still hangin' out in the womb.  By tomorrow night we should have another boy joining the ranks.  I don't mind being pregnant, but I can't wait to meet this little guy!


Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Oh I totally keep checking back waiting for the word. Good luck with everything. The waiting game is the worst. I'm already feeling that way and I have a whole month left. Are the boys getting excited! You'll do great.

Alphabet Malone said...

Thinking of you! Hope the time goes by quickly. Are you feeling anything at all yet?

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Man, you never get a break with these boys. Your doctor is going to have to trick you and tell you your due date is 2 weeks after your real one. That way at least these kids will be on time! Good luck!