
Look at my new trick...

This morning Matthew was complaining about something hurting inside of his nose. He has a runny nose, so I didn't think anything of it. Well, after complaining a few more times, he came out of my bathroom with my tweezers. Uh-oh, we've had to use those before. To extract a silver ball from his nose. So I asked him if he put something in his nose, and sure enough, he did. So I took the tweezers and turned his head so I could see up into the nostril. Nothing. "Matthew, have you already tried to get the thing out of your nose?" "Yes, but it was really hard. It kept going up higher and higher." I had no idea what he put up there. I tried pushing down from the top of his nose, couldn't feel anything. A few minutes later, he started making his infamous throat clearing noise (for those of you that haven't had the privilege of hearing this noise, it sounds like he is hawking up a lugey. he does it all the time, especially while the Sacrament is being passed. fabulous). "Mom, I put this in my nose and it came out of my mouth," he proudly said as he holds out his finger to me. I'm still not sure what it is. He tried to do it again.


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Oh Matthew. You are so tricky. How fun for your mom.

The Garza's said...

I am glad he got it out. that is so funny! i am not looking forward to the day tasian does it. your pics of your boys are cute and i love the pic of the i love you sign. that is a way cute idea.

mrs. timberlake said...


The fact you were brave enough to look up there in the first place makes you a better woman than I.

monica said...

I'm not sure what it is. He said it's from Jimmy Neutron and that it came through the TV. Since I have no idea where it came from, that seems like a good explanation to me.

monica said...

Oh, and if you look at the picture closely, you can see where he drew all over his face yesterday. I'm wondering, should I be keeping closer tabs on my kids? Just a thought...

mrs. timberlake said...

Now that you mention it, I can see his artistic talent shining through on his forehead.

How on earth would you get all your blogging done if you had to watch your kids closer?

nicci said...

kids will be kids! don't worry we had the whole gang here at grandma's and we were looking at blogs and everyone was trying to figure out what it was...no one knew, but none of us watch jimmy neutron either so that might explain it =) miss you guys!!

Jill said...

Funny and gross wrapped in one adorable little boy! Since Matthew and Elaine seem to be so much alike I will just wait my turn for the fun.

Jamie and Brady said...

Who needs tweezers when you can hauk a lugey like that. I guess all that practicing really paid off. Where did you guys get our tv by the way...I've been wanting one of those new sammies from the quiznos commercial...

Lindsey M said...

Dito to all the comments. Americas Next Top Model!!!