
Warning! Graphic Material Below!

We have been attacked by the snot monster at our house. Yuck! These pictures do not give justice to the nastiness that has taken residence in my son's nostrils. It's like a scene out of X-Files or something. It is constantly flowing. Oozing may be more appropriate a term. For crying out loud, learn to sniff, child! James is getting 5, count 'em, 5 new teeth. Contrary to what doctors say about it being coincidence that kids have a runny nose with new teeth, my kids get a runny nose with every new tooth. That seems a little too coincidental. So, with 5 teeth coming in, of course James' runny nose has hit with a vengeance like no other.


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Eeeeew. Another thing doctors don't know is that kids DO get fevers when they teeth. If this isn't the case then why do all my kids get a temperature and then get teeth at the same time. It must be pure coincidence. Crazy! James, I hope your teeth feel better soon. You will love what you'll be able to do with them.

mrs. timberlake said...

YIKES! I am all too familiar with the snotty nose lately. With five new teeth he is building, no wonder he's sleeping. Poor guy.

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Oh how I HATE teething. Ollie has both top and bottom now, phew! It has been almost as bad as getting an arm cut off. And yes, he totally had a runny nose ALL times, I love how doctors always think they know best and we are all just crazies. Nice try. 5 all at the same time, poor kid. Is he still sleeping, or fussy much. Ols was so dramatic about the whole thing.

mrs. timberlake said...

Okay, I just read your comment on the monster post about reading THIS post to Matthew. That is hilarious. :)