

Tonight we went "booing" for FHE. It was a ton of fun. We left yummy treats and a fun little poem on the doorstep of some friends. Then we rang the doorbell and ran as fast as anyone can carrying a 3 year old. Matthew loved it, but after our last house he said, "Daddy, will you do the next house by yourself?" And a few minutes later, he was out cold in the backseat. So if you're having trouble putting your kids to sleep, booing is a great plan. I would also like to add that if you are reading this post and got "Boo'ed" tonight, that it is purely coincidental.

Here are our little spooks. I think James looks heavier than Matthew in the bottom picture. Don't you love Matthew's sweatshirt? It even glows in the dark.


mrs. timberlake said...

MONICA! You won't believe all the coincidences of last night. Someone must have read your blog, copied all of your recipies, decorations and poem... and BOO'D my house! Can you believe the nerve of someone to copy your ideas like that?

p.s. I take back my comment of how much fun you are with your kids to roast marshmallows, and apply it to this FHE idea. :)

Wright Life said...

The same thing happened to us last night too! What a coincidence...crazy! We loved (please notice the d on the end of love) everything! You guys are the nicest! I mean, whoever did that for us is the nicest!

Alphabet Malone said...

So Cute! We have the same sweatshirt, Colin LOVES his!